URMA Member Training Request
URMA Members believe education helps reduce and prevent losses. The Education Program is updated and reviewed annually by URMA’s Education Committee. Their input, together with an evaluation of loss history and risk exposures, help determine the focus for the program. The Executive Committee reviews and approves the Education Program annually.
URMA believes all staff members should receive training on a regular basis. Because of this belief, the Education Manager conducts a number of seminars for each Member on an annual basis. Bringing the education program to individual cities saves the city time and money and minimizes employees’ time away from their jobs. The Education Manager can additionally provide training on any topic requested by the Member. This flexibility allows URMA to provide personalized educational services to our Members.
URMA conducts a number of round-table discussions on a variety of topics relevant to members. The discussions provide forums for city employees to discuss their successes and challenges with their peers. Specific areas of concern can be researched and developed into training modules for Members.
URMA recently paired with LocalGovU to bring our members a valuable tool for educating employees. This will be a tool for our Members to utilize which will enable all staff members to receive training on a regular basis. Click on the link to access URMA Online Training University. If you have questions or need assistance with your login information, please contact us using the form located on this page.
Please use the “URMA Member Training Request Form” to request training for your employees or contact Jason Davis our Loss Control Manager at jason@utahrisk.org
Training Documents
2016 Police Physical Fitness Training
2016 Summer Conference
Updated Transgender PPT by Heather White
Drones by Rachel Otto
Police Liability Trends PPT by Paul Johnson
Police Physical Fitness:
- URMMA_TCRM_Draft_070116
Claims & Inspection Program by URMMA Staff